翘课天才原名:Ferris Bueller,
Though based on the movie, the series was not a continuation of the film, rather, the series was set up to portray itself as being the "real life" situations after which the film was based. In the pilot episode, Ferris (Schlatter) refers to the film and expresses his displeasure at Matthew Broderick portraying him, even going as far as destroying a life-size cardboard cutout of...
Itswillow 2016-10-28
这样类型的电影又轻松又愉快关键是男主又酷又帅 会考前一天晚上看到这样的男朋友翘课简直激动得睡不着觉 九十年代的电影感觉既不浮夸也不老套 这样的颜太棒了中译也是很实在 春天不是读书天,夏日炎炎正好眠,秋高气爽尽情耍,严冬难耐望来年。
ciyi 2017-05-12
短脚猫 2022-05-10
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