成金 Narikin创作于日本地区,具有默片语言版本。由栗原喜三郎执导,集众多位中島岩五郎、木野五郎、鈴木美代子等著名实力派明星加盟。于1921-09-02公映。
a somewhat Chaplinesque comedy on man’s obsession with money (成金 means 'nouveau riche') – one of the early titles sums it up neatly : “there’s one reason for labor – money”. This is a film by Thomas Kurihara, a Japanese director who started his career in 1913 as an extra in Hollywood – he had been hired by Thomas Harper Ince, who was looking for oriental types – then returned t...
paracelsus 2009-03-03
模仿卓别林,连演员身材样貌装束都模仿,还粘一撇小胡子呵呵。感觉是英美国家的拷贝,开头可以看到Glenn Video Vistas Presents字样,字卡几乎皆英文,日文字卡也一定再用英文重复一遍。风格上很接近好莱坞,optical pov用得很多,视线匹配,动作匹配等都比较多。三郎拿到钱奔回家,新藤催促人力车快跑
狐 2009-12-10