飞行员之眼:巴塞罗那原名:PilotsEYE.tv - Sonderroute Alpen-Wien-Barcelona,
This adventure takes the viewer from Vienna to Barcelona with an Austrian Airlines' A321 above the entire East-West route of the Alps. Captain Hans Klikovich and his co-pilot Conny Ollinger fly the passengers of the OS397 - thanks to a public holiday and 'helpful air traffic controller' - at a particularly low altitude (7000m) from Vienna over the expanse of the Alps, along the...
安 2018-10-17
空管问为啥调整航线 副驾答为了看阿尔卑斯山的好风景 这个机组real任性
加加不加油 2015-03-30
薛定谔的猫 2015-08-09
momo 2019-12-22
机长太有意思了 起飞前觉得天气不错 为了乘客一路不停改航线 地面问为啥 理直气壮答看风景 烧的不是自家的油就是不心疼 hhh 震撼的还有副机长是女生 很年轻 叫Olliger
茶香烟晕 2019-08-02