乐高星球大战:尤达编年史之西斯的威胁原名:Lego Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles - Menace of the Sith,
Darth Sidious shows off the new Sith clone JEK who is an extremely powerful weapon. But JEK wants to be his own ****** and suddenly, both the Jedi and the Sith try to win him over. It now remains to be seen which side he chooses.
sleepwalker 2015-12-09
bagel 2022-10-11
WAR! Now that I have your attention... 開場就大爆笑!迷你版西斯複製人超可愛,想要一大堆人仔的程度!最後歐比王追著魁剛原力鬼要說法的樣子我破防了,我做夢都想看到阿王可以嬌蠻任性一點!
爱的镇魂歌 2015-12-30
晝夢亱遊 2021-11-08
clement 2023-09-08
3 语言系统崩坏的Yoyo。Obi-wan推Maul的那一下笑吐。***:我就差明着告诉你们我是谁了!
高咲侑 2024-06-14
还行 机械手好玩吧?全身都来一套吧?😂
Nicho 2022-12-18
尤达传记2 这西斯**人杰克有点意思啊!
🐒 2022-02-04