For I must have you or no one so I'm through with love. SIGH -Why didn't you ask me to stay? -What was I supposed to do?
新晋小愚 2016-12-10
Firstly you take away his resturant and then take away his heart, I wonder how can you sleep at night? Go or stay, it doesnt matter, I just want to be with you. I found ** every thing when I found you. 遇见你,我活出了自己,这应该是爱情的完美境界吧。
Jifferney 2016-11-23
云天 2018-09-25
will you marry me?? 我就想不带脑子看剧… hhh,不错😂
恶隐息烙 2018-08-26
burble 2016-09-30
么顺 2016-08-18
女主有点像长大版的Chole Moretz,男主虽然挺帅但总觉得像是演反派的≥﹏≤,总而言之像低配版的《情归**巴马》吧-_-||三星半。
日落可以慢半拍 2018-08-31
For I must have you or no one so I'm through with love. SIGH -Why didn't you ask me to stay? -What was I supposed to do?
新晋小愚 2016-12-10
Firstly you take away his resturant and then take away his heart, I wonder how can you sleep at night? Go or stay, it doesnt matter, I just want to be with you. I found ** every thing when I found you. 遇见你,我活出了自己,这应该是爱情的完美境界吧。
Kathrynx 2018-09-21
慢慢纪念yolo 2018-09-15
Enkaka 2019-05-23