a rare social drama on drug-addict directed by Fred Zinneman and produced by 20th Century-Fox (no surprise) with gritty realism. some interior scenes shot like stage-drama, relying **** on the acting skills of actor/actress. The dark, repressing atmospher
paracelsus 2008-11-15
a rare social drama on drug-addict directed by Fred Zinneman and produced by 20th Century-Fox (no surprise) with gritty realism. some interior scenes shot like stage-drama, relying **** on the acting skills of actor/actress. The dark, repressing atmospher
Caneloni 2016-05-12
各方面都很舞台。**战争。'I'*** junkie.'
杨浦小囡 2017-12-29
暗夜的星辰 2022-05-01
一半是佈道會,屬於 非**徒應該感覺沒啥意思,**徒不用看也懂 的片子。福音電影大概就是如此,沒法拍更好了。角**較單薄,全靠演員撐著。
Paradisekifly 2015-02-15