别名:Today, We Are Going to Built a House
今天,我们造一所房子又名Today, We Are Going to Built a House
这是建筑工地上的一天。我们似乎觉得,好像什么都没有发生。表面上工人们只是创造性地打发了他们的时间。第二天早上一看,一所房子已经拔地而起了。 A day on a construction site in which nothing seems to happen. The workers appear to be creatively wasting their time, but the following day, a house sprouts out from the dust. 获奖纪录 Festivals and Awards: 铜龙奖,克拉科夫短片电影节,1997 1997 Bronze ****** Award, International Krakow Short Film Festival, Poland “梅塞德斯•奔驰”**,...