The rare and wonderful surf instrumental soundtrack by Davie Allan and the Arrows is enough to make this "comming of age" short an important piece of Southern California history. This is a must see for Sixties music video fans and collectors of obscure surf music. The rare and wonderful surf instrumental soundtrack by Davie Allan and the Arrows is enough to make this "comming o...
Heyvin 2011-12-24
滑板正太们个个身怀绝技 IMDb:7.1
集雨人 2012-11-26
隐君子 2024-01-31
一群光脚玩儿滑板的正太,还有超好听的配乐,太赞了!!!!!!! 怪不得能得奖。 (00:17:47)
3wo战士 2021-04-30
人就是这样吧 在成长不同阶段一会儿玩具比较有意思 一会儿**/男人比较有意思 (微笑)
蜗牛 2021-10-29