In 1915, Captain Liers, commander of a submarine is leaving his hometown, where he, his 2nd officer and the radio-operator, who is married there, spend their shore leave. Liers two brothers were already killed in action, so his mother doesn't like the idea of him going back to his sub. Liers thinks his 2nd officer is in love with a local girl, who is really pining for him. On p...
柯里昂 2016-09-16
模范丈夫李时珍 2023-07-01
应该能算潜艇题材电影的鼻祖了,虽然讲述德国U型潜艇在战争中的故事,但通过家乡的亲人、爱人,展现怀念,又通过丧子的**亲表达了战争的痛苦,和死亡博弈中所谓“骄傲”的血腥。 33年拍摄这样的电影,场面真是震撼。海战的镜头宏大,船与船的关系清晰明了,蓄势攻击、受敌遇险,非常好看。尤其从艇上固定机位拍摄潜艇下潜的镜头,应该是道具置景,在当时的拍摄设备条件下,太讨巧了,十分*真。潜艇舱内*仄,在被击中后的狭小空间,切身感受到呼吸困难和生命的垂危。印象最深是有个潜艇内的长镜头,由后至前穿越潜艇各舱室。 **回家时,交错飞驰的火车足有数十秒,宣传意味浓厚。 ——字幕机翻,太差了,但也掩盖不了电影本身的优秀。
咖布藤 2020-12-21
写实的战争场面非常好看 怪不得元首喜欢