A short film created as part of the series “12 Directors for 12 Cities,” commissioned by the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment for the FIFA World Cup. This film will be screened in the Tribute to Michelangelo Antonioni II.
三十 2019-02-18
stknight 2012-09-27
《意大利十二导演与十二城市》中安东尼奥尼导演的一段。A short film created as part of the series “12 Directors for 12 Cities,” commissioned by the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment for the FIFA World Cup. This film will be screened in the Tribute to Michelangelo Antonioni II.
峰峰峰峰 2014-02-19
三色堇紫 2021-05-01
Shylock 2019-06-03
建筑 雕塑 绘画 音乐 电影 神话(文学)艺术
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FerraZun 2023-06-28
不知道看了个啥 给老爷子面子 多一星
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