食人巨鱿原名:man-eating super squid,
The legendary kraken lurks in the dark, and may be headed for our shores. From fishermen killed by ravenous squid to sailors who've witnessed the epic-sized monster in the flesh, these stories show the kraken myth is all too real. Can anything stop them?
X杰 2014-02-06
未来dominate the world的可能不是人类也不是鱼类,而是这种凶猛、不分敌我攻击、力大无穷而且生命力顽强,重要的是还有一定的计谋和智力……Squid这种生物应该趁还没壮大前就让它们**才行,交给我们C国人吧( • ̀ω•́ )