阿努比斯公寓:拉神的试金石原名:阿努比斯公寓电影版,又名"House of Anubis" Touchstone of Ra
毕业前夕,Mr. Eric Sweet收到神秘邀请函组织学生参观**博物馆。回来后,艾迪惊奇的发现博物馆里的一块***型宝石竟然在自己的包里。而后,围绕这块石头,学生和学校,公寓都面临着新的危机。面对这个情况,斯布纳小组还能应对毕业前最后的考验吗? A fable states that whoever builds the pyramid of Ra will be rewarded with gold but get it wrong and they all pay the price. When a mysterious stone arrives, someone's willing to take that risk. The power of the stone causes chaos, but there's one person ...
甜羙止荹 2015-07-09
Mr X 2016-08-28