In 1950s Italy, two middle-aged brothers go on a magical odyssey through their past as they take part in the world's most beautiful car race: the Mille Miglia.
In 2014 the weekly entertainment-trade magazine Variety announced that French director Sylvain Chomet was moving forward with The Thousand Miles, a ******* based on various Fellini works, including his unpublished drawings and writings.[114]
但松鼠按兵不动 2019-07-04
九命猫@victor-eyes 2015-01-05
Shadowchaser 2021-08-23
Celine 2023-08-17
In 2014 the weekly entertainment-trade magazine Variety announced that French director Sylvain Chomet was moving forward with The Thousand Miles, a ******* based on various Fellini works, including his unpublished drawings and writings.[114]
Joelle 2020-08-12
穿山 2019-04-24
Sylvain Chomet的译名也变好多次了吧?人名辞典查出来是西尔万·肖梅,那这个好像比西维亚·乔迈好一点。新作是向费里尼致敬的(见编剧栏),又是一个**题材,感觉像是《魔术师》(塔蒂)×《疯狂约会美丽都》的结合体?
我久想跟我 2021-06-28
S.T 2020-09-07
Sylvain Chomet新作,致敬Fellini。
小小 2016-07-09