腐烂原名:Rot,1999年恐怖、犯罪类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Marcus Koch执导,集众多位Billy Scam、Tiffany Stinky、Joel D. Wynkoop等著名实力派明星加盟。于1999公映。
Sarah has a surprise and gruesome announcement for Muzzy... she has contracted a deadly virus called the ROT which she got by sexing a dead guy from the local funeral home, and now she has passed it along to Muzzy. Slowly the two of them begin to ROT alive, spreading the insidious, flesh-melting disease to friends and foes and any unfortunate individual that comes in contact wi...
Virgil 2022-06-09
死烂臭 2024-08-26
这个能算亚文化吗🤔 摇滚 混战 枪 1:20:41
→重口行者← 2015-01-27
Lee G swag耍 2018-07-26
桥本学姐 2020-05-10