桃李飘零原名:The Hard Way,
Ambitious Helen Chernin (Ida Lupino) pushes her talented younger sister Katherine (Joan Leslie) into marriage with broken down song-and-dance man Albert Runkel (Jack Carson) so that the two women can leave the dirty steel town where they live. Runkel's partner Paul Collins (Dennis Morgan), however, sees through Helen's plan. Helen continues driving her sister's career and *****...
哺乳动物都会死 2022-02-11
2毛 2022-08-20
杨浦小囡 2017-05-06
Caneloni 2020-07-20
前85分钟很优秀,感觉导演和主演中除Lupino之外的三位都在超水平发挥(此片很可能同时拥有Morgan, Carson和Leslie履历上我最喜欢的表演)。流畅的同时没有导演其它片子那种死气沉沉,台词写得好,镜头甚至有几处漂亮的调度;人物写得好也演得好,本来很情节剧的那些**晕倒n角恋之类在人物感情有说*力的情况下也不会显得尴尬。而后25分钟则是把前面避开的情节剧缺点都捡回来了。台词cue到Ginger,导演称这故事讲的就是她们母女的事(好吧……)。女主还好没有被塑造成一个太夸张的stage mom(sister),虽然是道德上灰色的PUA大师但她的逻辑是成立的,结尾那一句台词*心效果满分。