I suppose, first of all, that it is the proof for those willing to understand that poetry is not filmable and there is no point in pursuing it. What is filmable is always something else that may or may not have a poetic quality. ** film is the realization of this impossibility, and this uncompromising shame makes it, I believe, poetic, malgré-lui. I also believe … that much **** than a movie about Sophia, who for me only in a random way is part of it, ** film is a film about cinema and its matter.
bloom 2019-12-16
I suppose, first of all, that it is the proof for those willing to understand that poetry is not filmable and there is no point in pursuing it. What is filmable is always something else that may or may not have a poetic quality. ** film is the realization of this impossibility, and this uncompromising shame makes it, I believe, poetic, malgré-lui. I also believe … that much **** than a movie about Sophia, who for me only in a random way is part of it, ** film is a film about cinema and its matter.
某生者 2025-02-02
+ 语调练习,如果说斯特劳布和于伊耶电影的朗诵是"凝聚"的,那蒙泰罗就是"发散"的
河口 2020-10-11
“...ou como quem a ti não volta mais.”
小墨水瓶儿 2017-02-27
emepar 2019-10-11
白青 2021-02-23