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Bobbie's Girl(2002)

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《Bobbie's Girl》剧情内容介绍

《Bobbie's Girl》


Bobbie's Girl原名:Bobbie's Girl,

American Bailey and her lover, Englishwoman Bobbie run a pub in a seaside town near Dublin, assisted by Bailey's brother David. Bobbie is diagnosed with breast cancer at the same time she learns that her estranged brother and his wife have died and their 10-year-old son, Alan, is orphaned into Bobbie's care. Bobbie and Alan are naturally struggling to cope with their situations...

longer 2015-11-18

两名女同志的平凡小镇生活因为癌症和侄儿的到来,开始泛起了些涟漪。全片最受瞩目的非饰演小男孩Alan的Thomas Sangster莫属,当年才不过十一二岁,内敛的演技却让人汗颜。Alan失去了双亲,唯一的姑姑Bobbie对他的态度又似乎很冷漠,他为了不让姑姑讨厌唯有小心翼翼的过日子,孰不知姑姑也正为乳癌而烦

一片两片三四片 2018-07-12


Whiteware 2012-05-15

I uesd to think he can't sing.