银色帕洛马雷斯原名:Prata Palomares,
Prata Palomares is a product of the "Cinema Novo" movement in Brazil, which sought to ****** a truly Brazilian approach to filmmaking. In this hallucinogenic, violent film, two guerilla warriors (Itala Nandi and Renato Borghi) appear in the middle of an unknown military skirmish. Their quest is to return to military headquarters. Along the way, they see a young man drinking blo...
只抓住6个 2018-11-14
**新电影运动(Cinema Novo)的激进实验,浓厚的Cult味道。以南美本土特色游击队员为主角,乐此不疲地使用极权、神谕和枪杆子组合,完成一系列粗糙的超现实主义象征隐喻。感觉比同期**Cult导演费尔南多·**巴尔更加暴力。
Mannialanck 2013-04-02
Aislinn 2023-06-15
好家伙,这导演疯起来感觉比祖拉斯基还过,可惜他一生只拍了这一部电影 2023.10.8重看
1 2011-07-13
对**与极权的极端感受出现了这种作品,在*动的70年代,这种作品是不孤单的,像Fernando Arrabal的,Andrzej Zulawski的,帕索里尼的作品等,甚至博罗夫奇克的那部最野蛮和戏谑的作品都是