情场浪子原名:All Fall Down,
Ralph and Annabell Willart are a feuding couple who are constantly bickering over their worthless, good-for nothing son Berry-Berry. When Berry-Berry begins yet another meaningless love affair, this time with an older woman named Echo O'Brien, he really gets his parents at each others' throats.
Paradisekifly 2015-02-16
Warren Beatty戏里戏外都是情场浪子,只是这剧情安排的,接近尾声男女主角才有对手戏,而且确实进展得很突兀。这样的片子在当年恐怕从各方面都很难吸引人,难怪flop了。不过现在看来就光欣赏三位主角的演技也就足矣了。
Almasy 2014-02-11
神马乱七八糟的电影啊。。warren哪里有这么大的魅力= =
纸飞机上的傻东 2022-10-08