苏珊·法雷尔:难以捉摸的缪斯女神原名:Suzanne Farrell: Elusive Muse,
omantic triangles. Unconsummated passion. Jealousy. Revenge. Just another day offstage at the New York **** Ballet for ballerina Suzanne Farrell and her mentor, legendary choreographer George Balanchine. Elusive Muse traces the development of Farrell into an extraordinary performer while trying to define her passionate professional and personal relationship with "Mr. B." (Farre...
stella chung 2010-11-18
Ithil 2021-02-23
Suzanne Farrell的表演影象在市面上流通的非常的少,這個紀錄片給喜歡芭蕾舞的人一窺傳奇的Suzanne Farrell的舞姿的機會。建議搭配同名自傳一起看,會對她和Balanchine的關係理解更多。