The Walker Season 1
Rightor Doyle, out actor, writer, and Instagram ****, has created a new web series, The Walker, following his life as a *** best friend to Carey Mulligan, Zoe Kazan and Betty Giplin. “You’re like a *** superhero!” one of his lady pals says to Doyle in the trailer. The eight episode series is an exaggerated version of his real life friendships with the trio of notable actresses,...
漢索爾 2017-07-16
Carey Mulligan is so freakin adorable I can't even.
JohnnyGuitar 2016-04-15
传说中的男闺密(love women but desire men)。作为小品式网剧还蛮有意思的,阵容很强的赶脚,mulligan,Gabourey Sidibe,还有梅姑的女儿。
momomomo 2019-02-01
Can't take ** eyes off Carey Mulligan!