伽利略传原名:Galileo,又名Галилео Галилей、Galileo Galilei
After his encounter with Giordano Bruno in 1592, Galileo convinces himself that the sun, and not the earth, is at the center of universe. The Church considers Galileo's theory a heresy, but he continues his studies in Florence, until he's arrested and tried. Standing before the inquisition court in 1633, he will sign a solemn abjuration. Galileo Galilei and the Church: a contro...
TARDELLINO 2020-02-26
比Montaldo的布鲁诺好看,人物塑造非常细腻(我最喜欢伽利略苦着脸讲地心说眼巴巴看着更激进的学生跑了,以及裁判所小修士偷偷玩他的望远镜那里,和贝尔尼尼的命运交错也意味深长),但我不太喜欢其中过于理所当然的当代大众视点manipulation,仿佛主角打游戏接了个任务必须到十七世纪去宣传***的学说。。。【PS 看Rossellini的古代名人科教片,首先感觉到的是一个强力的、活跃的context。虽然其他**都选择了塑造或许更有心理深度的人物形象,但人物也就只是人物而已了……就像伽利略被女朋友追打是很刷好感啦但那又怎么样呢。】
懸蛛 2024-02-17