血战罪恶城原名:Il grande racket,又名The Big Racket
The Big Racket benefits immensely from a strong leading performance courtesy of Fabio Testi (star of What Have They Done to Solange). Testi's portrayal of the angry police officer is perfectly judged to fit the movie, and I don't think there is an actor who could be better suited to playing the lead in this movie. He heads a strong Italian cast, who all do well in bringing thei...
山水田园 2024-07-21
Casino 2022-03-22
paradiso 2019-04-04
披着现代装的西部片(射击冠军路见不平拔枪加入警匪枪战打死了几个匪徒获得警官感谢,呃,现代法纪在哪里?)评价似乎高于后一年的****** Busters、奠定Fabio动作明星地位,但我觉得太常规了,铺垫收保护费黑势力*良为暴的前一小时照例无聊混混团又坏又蠢(大概英语版台词太小学课本了)男主退职后召集人**好戏来得太晚、工厂伏击枪战对轰还算激烈但不足以靠特色拉回总分。法比奥的造型也不够奔放没长发时好看,其实偏群像靠他打的并不多。
梦神 2022-05-01