爱情配对原名:פעם הייתי,又名The Matchmaker、Once I Was
Yankele Bride, a mysterious Shoah survivor with a scarred face, is a matchmaker specializing in hard-to-match clients. A teenaged prank gone wrong brings him to 16-year-old Arik's apartment, where the **** is chagrined to discover that Yankele and his father were childhood friends back in Romania. Impressed with Arik's ability at trickery, Yankele hires him as an assistant. Set...
侯老麦 2017-10-19
livinglow 2012-12-21
2012/12/20 演得挺好的,就是剧情有点莫名其妙。
不想无知 2022-04-11
很平淡舒适吧 亚科夫,爱情不是自私的,爱情是充满可能的,并不可能永远都是happyending 梅厄,只有先爱自己才有爱别人的能力,不属于自己的爱情不要过于钻牛角尖 阿克里,爱情要勇敢,爱情需要责任,爱情可以是大胆而热烈的 我真的好喜欢里面的女性角色,克拉好温柔又知性,饱受战争的苦难,被灰色的过去环绕真的太让人心疼了 还有邦尼的表姐,最我相信她最后本来真的是打算让阿克里吃点苦头的但是最终还是因为喜欢他然后就什么都没有说😭😭 每个人的性格都很鲜明而且很丰富
Estefaniali 2014-03-14