Sir Francis Drake
The adventures of Sir Francis Drake during the 1500's. Sir Francis is probably one of the most famous explorers of the high seas. The twenty six episodes of the series are about his explorations of many far off lands. - Written by Jenny Evans
汐風弾正少弼 2020-03-05
Terence Morgan版的德雷克,给人什么感觉呢?是宠妃,本来就天资聪颖,跟在君王身边有好些年了,年龄也不小了,非常善解人意,很懂事理,珠圆玉润的,跟贤明的君王一唱一和;会被君王派去做一些事,做得也挺好,很挺机敏的,带着一种其实不会真正属于宫闱的感觉;有时候跟朝中大臣嘀嘀咕咕。是君王捡来的**,养了几年变成家猫。 但是我也想说,Terence Morgan扮演的德雷克,问题也出在,这版德雷克的气质过于有“珠圆玉润的贵公子”感觉了。