Model Minority
Kayla Tanaka, 16, is half-Japanese, half-white, and totally American. She and her sister, 14-year-old Amberlyn, live with their parents, Ken, Japanese American, and Angie, white, in Jefferson Park, California. Jefferson Park is a low-income section of Los Angeles less than 10 miles from Beverly Hills, but it might as well be a million miles away. When her parents announce their...
Uma Y 2022-07-06
** 2015-05-30
来看nicole bloom的,虽然这个影名跟想象中的剧情不太一样。。。镜头配乐什么的都不错,印象最深的是女主lose virginity的一幕,真是淡淡的忧桑
塘桥古天乐 2020-04-08
Shameless过来的,喜欢Nicole Bloom,剧本比较简单,有些太强调种族和社会阶级冲突,使得人物设定有些单一。氛围和音乐搭配的不错,有种小众cult电影的氛围.... 希望亚裔演员走华路吧....