维多利亚时代的贫民窟原名:The Victorian Slum,又名The Victorian Slum(英)
A group of 15 volunteers aged between 10 and 59 are transported back to Victorian London as they spend three weeks living and working in a recreation of the notorious Old Nichol slum in Bethnal Green in London's East End.
糯米团子是好物 2021-03-11
良心制作的纪录片/reality tv。最后一集英国最后一批slum dwellers感叹council housing有多好,想到***和Channel 4关于英国当代贫穷困境以及分不到公租房只能在hostel和街头露宿的人们,社会平等长路漫漫。
朝麒 2023-11-11
mondain 2017-08-03