野性新潮原名:La Calda vita,
Attractive teenager Sergia usually hangs out with her older sister and her circle of mature friends. For a change, she is convinced by two teenage male friends to go for a beach vacation. Their main motive is to try to win her affection and get to sleep with her. Tragedy soon follows when the love ******** unravels.
paradiso 2019-04-28
和自己一样美好的同龄人到底比不上熟男阅历的吸引力咯。试图做出些若有所思的情态但终究流于空洞,不过以前这类青春片至少调子蛮高的人物摄影颇***装配色用心要么糖果要么大地,撒丁岛区域海岛风景。二少男里那个急吼吼毛猴似的Fabrizio Capucci居然当时娶到了小甜甜Spaak?!看着就不配,听说很快就分居了
Lolita Dolly 2021-05-04
重看 那俩年轻男的实在太烦了 特别是黑发男长得真忒磕碜 现实生活****怎么能看上他的?我只想看Catherine和Gabriele的感情线 没想到结尾一再挽留也没有在一起
发际线靠后 2022-04-15