无易汝夫原名:Don't Change Your Husband,又名Why Change Your Husband?
Leila porter comes to dislike her husband James, a glue king who is always eating onions and looking sloppy. But after she divorces him and marries two-timing ******* Schuyler Van Sutphen the now-reformed James looks pretty good.
跳蚤🕷🐙🕷 2023-12-22
sirius_flower 2018-11-13
哈哈哈可把**坏了 字幕卡可以说是一本正经且优雅地表达偏见了 丈夫最好不过是野夫最糟也就是见不得人 可谓金屋银屋不如自己狗窝的一种霸道表现了。如何通过失去丈夫明白丈夫才是最好 这主题是不是应该参考卡维尔啊哈哈。melodrama得还挺***//另外这绝对是健身-轻食**的鼻祖了
尧谦书 2015-01-14