Gospel According to Harry在线观看和下载

Gospel According to Harry(1994)

别名:Gospel According to Harry

演员: 维果·莫腾森 Jeniffer Rubin




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《Gospel According to Harry》相关推荐

印第安信使 大卫·摩斯、维果·莫腾森 7.7
暴风少年 哈威·凯特尔、伊恩·格雷
1. 开罗红宝石/ 02-04
2. 众神之谷/ 10-14
6. 骑士/
8. 吉姆雷特/ 12-01
10. 角斗士2/ 01-08
11. 唐探1900/ 02-01
12. 忠犬八公/ 10-12

《Gospel According to Harry》剧情内容介绍

《Gospel According to Harry》


Gospel According to Harry原名:Ewangelia wedlug Harry'ego,又名Gospel According to Harry

The film is a biblical soap-opera whose action unfolds in the Californian desert. Karen and Wes's marriage is crumbling apart - like a sandcastle. Karen can't even make love to her husband any **** - the sand has managed to get everywhere. Harry, a tax collector, is a witness to this marriage falling apart. As a civil servant he hears Wes confession. However he isn'****** to he...

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Lisabracadabra 2013-03-12
