'If money is evil, then that building (New York Stock Exchange Building on Wall Street) is hell. This is the most obnoxious group of money hungry, low IQ, high-energy jackrabbit f$$kin wannabe-bigtime, smalltime sh$t-talkin, bothersome, irritating bunch of motherf$$kers I've ever had to endure for 5 minutes.' ---Robert Downey Jr.
苏呜呜 2020-11-03
拍得很散乱 但Robert Downey Jr好可爱哦 想和他做朋友
Honey Bunny 2016-06-14
超**无字幕舔完我妮妮,Robert Downey Jr =Black Hole
噤声226 2015-11-27
24/7 2019-05-02
5/2/2019 RDJ是什么宝藏啊!太可爱好看了吧!这也是众星云集的一部片子 出乎意料的好看 我竟然就在没有字幕的情况下 就这么硬生生的看完了???现在的人们还在deal with90年代的问题 要想改变就需要身边的每一个人都站出来 也是时候了 我想让下一代生活在一个安全自由的地方
爱冷 2024-12-28
'If money is evil, then that building (New York Stock Exchange Building on Wall Street) is hell. This is the most obnoxious group of money hungry, low IQ, high-energy jackrabbit f$$kin wannabe-bigtime, smalltime sh$t-talkin, bothersome, irritating bunch of motherf$$kers I've ever had to endure for 5 minutes.' ---Robert Downey Jr.
∞ 2015-10-22