裸体餐馆原名:The Nude Restaurant,
At a New York **** restaurant, the patrons are men, nude but for ***-string, waited on by one woman, also clad in ***-string (played by Viva) and ***-bestringed (bestrung?) waiter. Some of the "nude" patrons leave the establishment, their places taken by new customers, also nearly in the buff. There are numerous in-camera jump cuts (known as 'strobe cuts') and the camera weaves...
把噗 2020-06-26
故乡的晨曦 2021-08-01
暂时被** 2020-09-08
60年代美国地下电影。安迪 沃霍尔。转向了人们较为熟悉的叙事形式。无资源