

演员: Robert Reich


更新时间: 11-05 16:46

资源状态: 可播放








拯救资本主义原名:Saving Capitalism,

SAVING CAPITALISM is a documentary film that follows former Secretary of Labor and Professor, Robert Reich, as he takes his book and his views to the heart of conservative America to speak about our economic ****** and present big ideas for how to fix it.

TimberNord 2018-02-15

the preference of the average american appear to have only a minuscule, near zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy

冰可乐的汽 2020-11-22

虽然早就知道资本家觉得自己就应该拿那么多钱,但是面对指责他们竟然如此愤怒实在震惊了我...**就这样*瞎自己的眼睛,然后说我努力工作当资本家,所以那些更努力工作连肚子都填不饱的人不应该指责我,因为资本家努力工作了!但是那些更努力工作的中产和工人呢,先不管,反正资本家不能被指责! 所以蚂蚁IPO停了以后,马云之流会那么生气,不是装模作样而是真生气,他那么努力想出来的割韭菜办法你们居然不让他做,真是气死他这个努力工作的人了!

M4S 2020-09-02

宣扬政治参与的片子 *populism has two very different faces, donald trump and bernie sanders 这句话有笑到

T.B.A. 2018-11-02

I won’t question his sincerity even if it’s to promote his book, yet the sirens have been on and on over the years, the painful disparity remains unchanged, and turning worse at an astonishing pace. It is hard to have faith in just pointing out the facts any **** when individuals’ opinions would not make any dent in the infrastructure.

杜鹏 2017-12-03


椰斤 2017-11-30


Eri 2020-04-02

I like Robert Reich. But the left and the right are not the same. And I wish there were **** in this documentary.

Flâneur 2017-12-15

认知左右共有的不满,剖析病征和病灶都挺好。处方很折衷。Save Capitalism,如果可能,如果值得。我是悲观的。也许Capitalism从来就没有健康过。

Tangos 2022-05-06


巳驻削 2020-11-15

这一个多小时比四年的政治经济学学到的都要多。我可以说,Robert Reich是一个很有远见对美国爱得深沉的智者。早在90年代他就已经预言了美国现在的乱状,可惜没有人爱这种理智的声音