基督的新娘原名:Brides of Christ,
Diane, a young woman growing up in Australia in the mid 1960s, walks away from her fiancé to join a convent after being sure she has a calling to the faith. The Catholic Church and its followers are struggling with huge changes. The Pope has died, there is war in Vietnam and mandatory conscription, there is the Vatican controversy on abortion and contraception, and the changing...
CharlesChou 2013-04-15
。。。。。。 2020-03-16
伊卡洛斯 2013-04-08
只看了 RC的部分= = **粉~~不解释
曦和景明 2013-04-11
PQ叔 Philip Quast客串了第3集,饰演新来到修女校的经济学老师,把***迷得一愣一愣的,和一位修女老师(嬷嬷)谈了场恋爱(算是吧),最后无疾而终。罗素克劳在第4集客串一个众多***争抢的男神,女主们各个霸气侧漏。重点是该剧表现青春期男女的懵懂爱情,及对束缚的抗拒,我说的第4集。