Ruddy Hell! It's Harry and Paul原名:Ruddy Hell! It's Harry and Paul,又名Harry and Paul、Ruddy Hell - It's Harry And Paul、Harry & Paul
In a rapid-fire sketch show Harry and Paul keep the characters coming: Pik, the ebullient South African; The Leccy Spongers; Pam and Ronald, American tourists from Padiddlyboing, Idaho; computer tycoons Bill and Steve and obese schoolkids Jamie and Oliver among others.
已_注销_ 2024-07-11
NigelF上演RickyG模仿秀 306 现实中的常见**套路 401 苏联笑话 s4e4 Kevin Eldon简直"喧宾夺主" 尤其是女装 You want. or fanny? 震惊!英国**艺人公开抄袭J Chou讲话! 内涵/模仿Vicky Pollad之流 老人们很喜欢冷玩又是Viva又是Scientist的 Big Sue, Alice 长者口齿不清梗很像那个Dridgers谁懂(没人懂)
灵魂禁地CEO 2023-07-25
the finest quality of british posh wacky sketch, full of un political correctness. 👌