Chase, a frustrated artist, lives a bohemian life with lover, Alexis (CJ Perry), an enchanting dancer, in their rundown apartment in an artistic niche of the ****. His life is thrown into turmoil when Alexis is raped and murdered. Chase's greedy art dealer, Carl (Dave Ogle), sees this tragedy as a way to capitalize on what once was a unfruitful investment. What follows is a cha...
阿淡阿淡 2020-12-30
老淘 2021-01-09
Later 2020-12-17
《心灵奇旅》讲述梦想成为爵士钢琴家的男主Joe Gardner,在演出前不慎掉入了纽约的下水道,他的灵魂**了另一个奇妙次元,与厌世的灵魂22相遇,它们携手返回地球寻找生命的意义。就像在soul上的大多数人一样,他们需要被认同,又渴望保持特立独行。既想沉醉于自我的精神世界,又渴望与外部世界产生联结。
猪的乱世浮生 2021-12-25
Alice 2021-01-06
丹尼尔 2021-11-28
别惹我 2021-11-24
It is not the purpose that made 22 wanted to be alive, but from the little things made him enjoy which fulfilled last part of the soul. There might not be a specific element that fulfil the soul as it depends on the individuals. Direction is a road that leads us to where we want, most importantly is to enjoy every moment no matter where we are.
KID 2021-09-05
果米妈咪 2021-01-04
豆友204678018 2021-01-21
真的很治愈。我看之前觉得是一个轻松搞笑的小孩子电影,真的哭的稀里哗啦。我之前总是觉得人生一点意义都没有,不知道活着干嘛的,虽然现在还是不知道 但是感觉要好好珍惜