Aired on September 24, 1989. Cold Open—Opening Monologue—SNL Moment—1980 to 1985 montage—SNL Moment—1985 to 1989 montage—SNL Moment—“Musical moments” montage—Tribute to Gilda Radner—“Political moments” montage—SNL Moment—“Tasteless Sketches” montage—Tribute to John Belushi—Audience interaction—SNL Goodbyes. Musical performers: Prince, Paul Simon.
Broderick Wong 2024-12-15
Aired on September 24, 1989. Cold Open—Opening Monologue—SNL Moment—1980 to 1985 montage—SNL Moment—1985 to 1989 montage—SNL Moment—“Musical moments” montage—Tribute to Gilda Radner—“Political moments” montage—SNL Moment—“Tasteless Sketches” montage—Tribute to John Belushi—Audience interaction—SNL Goodbyes. Musical performers: Prince, Paul Simon.