演员: Gareth Jones Kate Bellingham Violet Berlin Michael Underwood Kate McIntyre
The Big Bang
The Big Bang is a CITV science show that broadcast from April 15, 1996 - September 8, 2004, produced by Yorkshire Television. It is notable for being one of CITV's longest-running science programmes. The aim of the programme was to make science fun and interesting for children.
防守三秒判点球 2016-02-16
又是一部中学时在明珠台下午时段看过的儿童科学节目,主持人教大家制作一些有趣的小玩具。我看过的是黑人小哥Michael Underwood和Kate McIntyre主持的两季(在那个互联网资讯极其贫乏的年代,想找Kate McIntyre这类外国二三线节目主持哪怕一张照片都难啊。。。。。。)