a taste of love and love exists in all shapes and sizes and forms. y the f i get blamed for everything and y doesnt it make me feel bad? i truly believe ** life could change overnight, a long goodbye could make things better, i see. dont i be such a baby, such a tragedy for ppl to behave what they behave, low lives.
Panda的影音 2021-09-14
李安《断背山》花絮合集【中字】-→-→ 一个突破性的成功:https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1Ji4y1V7e8?p=4 —— 李安:對我來說〈斷背山〉是個愛情故事,我是這麼理解的,也想把它拍成這樣的電影。當然這是同性戀的題材… 有人類關係中複雜的一面...性別的問題,社會的問題,還有西方電影那一整套東西。但對我,它是一種愛的嘗試,用文學很難表達出來,幾乎是不可能,所以我要拍部電影。
向日*d兽 2020-09-12
🍄 2022-05-02
a taste of love and love exists in all shapes and sizes and forms. y the f i get blamed for everything and y doesnt it make me feel bad? i truly believe ** life could change overnight, a long goodbye could make things better, i see. dont i be such a baby, such a tragedy for ppl to behave what they behave, low lives.
Elinor 2022-05-04