EXPOSED profiles eight women and men who use their nakedness to transport us beyond the last sexual and social taboos that our society holds dear. These cutting edge performers -- operating on the far edge of burlesque -- combine politics, satire, and physical comedy to question the very concept of 'normal.' Flying high with them, we get to look down on our myriad inhibitions. ...
仰之 2024-08-29
红鱼 2013-02-28
小粗 2017-07-26
EggyEmpanada 2014-06-10
POWERFUL. 这样一部纪录片是如何做到私密大胆又丝毫不猎奇的?!对于**,偏见及Burlesque的认识完全被刷新。唯一的问题是其中的众多表演片段太过**,经常在镜头切到同样精彩的访谈内容时迟迟回不过神来。(传了正式的海报居然被豆娘给删了…)