别名:511 Best Photos of Mars
511 paremat fotot Marsist又名511 Best Photos of Mars
A selection of types visiting cafeterias and "nightclubs" in the 1960s. The visitors of the Tallinn cafés "Pärl" and "Moskva" in their own time. The film is made peculiar by its sovereign soundtrack watching everyday bustling from the heights of melancholic poetry and cold astronomy. Behind the scenes Aarne Üksküla presents the poems of Artur Alliksaar.
熊仔俠 2018-07-16
攝影機隱藏得滴水不漏,直接而自然地紀錄下蘇聯這顆星球的某一個瞬間。整部片呈現出強烈的錯位感和不關聯感。總體上,這部記錄在蘇聯的紀錄短片展現的是非常西方的氣息。而在聽覺上,Artur Alliksaar的詩歌、火星生命學說、披頭四等聲音素材混剪在一起,結合畫面營造很強的架空效果。再者,咖啡廳里的**國遺老和蘇聯新青年共聚一堂,仿似也把愛沙尼亞的獨立史和被佔領史編織到一塊。