别离床爱原名:La Cama,又名The Bed
It's a hot summer in Buenos Aires. George (58) and Mabel (56) spend their last 24 hours together as a couple locked in their family home. The house was sold, and now they have to dismantle it and divide all the things they've collected in their life together between them before the moving truck arrives. That morning, Jorge and Mabel try to ******* several ways, but everything i...
长袜子 2020-11-09
超人出没注意 2021-04-02
很容易就想到另外一部年轻版的En la cama,也是一直在床上,但年龄赋予了这部电影更多的讲述
纽约郊区农民 2018-02-27
两个如此熟悉的人最后如何分别。导演说一开始是男的想离开,女的并不想。但到最后,**想通了, 男人却有些不舍。
乔治洗衣机 2018-04-02
#Talents##Forum# 导演是干演员出身的 因此观察力惊人 性除了intimacy/trust/empathy/honesty之外也可以是power/abuse的符号(这几个词都很重要 所以全记下来了)也是自然**narration语境的 单凭女导现场对身体/***的纯粹赞美和试图将**de-eroticize的想法愿意搁置**作的生涩给这部好评 [HAU3]