演员: 彼得·法雷里 布莱恩·加拉格尔 Johnathan Davis Josh Horowitz Rachel Keefe
更新时间: 11-26 11:46
资源状态: 可播放
比尔·默里故事:从神话人物身上学到的人生教训原名:The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned from Mythical Man,
This documentary explores various ***** legends around Hollywood's most elusive star.
Chery 2019-02-28
綦 2019-01-16
Haha so random but so legendary.
Catete 2019-02-10
看得人尬死了 充其量就是一个 明星私底下比较随便 的片子 居然还能整成一个纪录片
milkyosun 2019-02-17
Who knows it's good or bad. It just doesn‘t matter!
thenew 2019-01-15
林空空 2019-03-03
perfect timing. I used the phrases ‘living in the moment, when I explained why I didn’t book accommodation and no specific travel plans to the interviewer at customs.
威猛先森哥斯拉 2018-12-24
愿意给Bill ******* Murray打十星!
V DecidesToDie 2019-10-04
非常不一样的角度。 他是真正的人生艺术家。
二手月季 2020-02-15
太拙劣了 2020-03-30
Most people are just all about themselves. Very few people care about others.