The socially conservatives in Ontario opposing the new *** ed curriculum should all watch this. Hannah Gabsby, empathetic, courageous, brutally honest, and such a tender heart.
杜若 2018-06-24
"There is nothing stronger than a broken woman who has rebuilt herself."
非编码Postdoc 2018-07-07
第一次听comedy难过到大哭不止,爱她的敏感细腻和坚韧理性。“To be rendered powerless does not destroy your humanity. Your resilience is your humanity. The only people who lose their humanity are those who believe they have the right to render another human being powerless."
朗姐🌈 2018-07-09
如果只能用自贬自嘲制造段子和笑料,那对不起,爱笑笑不笑滚。姐累性恋,累不觉姬。Art history也“高眉”不到哪去,拿开art还是history,高人早说了,我翻开历史看...仔细看了半夜,才从字缝里看出字来,满本都写着直男霸权。
water 2018-07-12
三狗大** 2018-07-13
TimberNord 2018-07-14
The socially conservatives in Ontario opposing the new *** ed curriculum should all watch this. Hannah Gabsby, empathetic, courageous, brutally honest, and such a tender heart.
杜若 2018-06-24
"There is nothing stronger than a broken woman who has rebuilt herself."
非编码Postdoc 2018-07-07
第一次听comedy难过到大哭不止,爱她的敏感细腻和坚韧理性。“To be rendered powerless does not destroy your humanity. Your resilience is your humanity. The only people who lose their humanity are those who believe they have the right to render another human being powerless."
Xavierum 2018-06-27
Hannah Gadsby : Angry white lesbian. 前面糖衣,后面见血 。以**和***的野史来拆解男权话语下的正史,重新诠释私人叙事学以及知识考古学。后Louis CK**的Anti-Louis CK,宣告不再靠自贬来引人发笑,真是激浊扬清。IMDB 8.5分。
20个小明≯ 2018-07-14
恣意的仙人掌 2019-02-01
Luka 2018-06-27
她告诉我性少数不一定要张扬外放整天*****, 大家都是人,It is ** to be a quiet ***. It is ** to be yourself. 五颗星。