永生的救世主 - 耶稣原名:The Living Christ Series,又名Living Christ
"The Living Christ Series" is considered to be the first "unofficial" television mini-series. All 12 episodes aired on NBC in 1951 and two year's later it's sequel TV movie "I Beheld His Glory" also aired on NBC. After it's original airing, the series remained off of television until the late 1980's when local religious stations began airing the series. TBN aired all twelve epi...
Hello, World! 2017-03-15
买的1区DVD,特别不清晰,画质比VHS还模糊。拍摄有些可笑,作为世界上第一 部电视迷你剧集,用的是胶片拍摄,实在让人耳目一新。很特别。