狄德罗的《拉摩的侄儿》原名:'Rameau's Nephew' by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen,
"Until Rameau's Nephew... no one has exhibited a film that deals so thoroughly with the range of perceptual problems elicited by the sound cinema." (M. Keller, Chicago Film Centre) "...an achievement of the originality and brilliance of Wavelength. Snow embraces the problems on intimacy of language and thought with such variety, clarity and invention and high humour that again ...
迷宫中的站起来 2023-01-11
暂时被** 2020-09-16
70年代加拿大先锋派电影。结构主义。迈克尔 **。结构电影制作者强调**性的形式,将观众的注意力凝聚在组织影片的非叙事形式或系统中。通常这种形式是展开的,让观众着迷于观察到丰富细节的过程,以及对影片整体格局的思考中。北美电影工作者在机构的扩张至结构电影项目后,开始启动雄心勃勃的甚至是史诗式的作品。影片各个片段系统地探讨了电影中语言和音效的矛盾。无资源