妖夜更原名:The Night Sitter,
A scheming con artist (Elyse DuFour, AMC's The Walking Dead) poses as innocent babysitter "Amber" to steal from Ted Hooper, a wealthy occult enthusiast with a reclusive son named Kevin. Her crew arrives to clean out the house just as Kevin stumbles upon one of his father's most prized artifacts and unwittingly summons a trio of witches known as The Three Mothers. As the playful...
橱窗外的大怪兽 2021-06-28
电子羊闪闪 2018-10-07
monstersoffilm2018 我努力带着娱乐精神看了...(所以在影院笑的很大声)...可是严重缺觉的半夜看真的我还不如睡觉...用绿油油字体做标题是不是就可以显得很b级!
悟空® 2021-06-05