别名:The Island of Saint Matthews
圣马修斯之岛原名:The Island of St. Matthews,又名The Island of Saint Matthews
Years ago, Kevin Jerome Everson asked his aunt where their old family photos had gone. Her answer – ‘they were all lost in the flood’ – sparked this trip to meet the inhabitants of Westport, a small town just to the west of Columbus, Mississippi. They reminisce about the ***** flood of the Tombigbee River in 1973, when some people lost everything. Many heirlooms and photos of t...
OreoEmpanada 2018-10-27
K Everson太厉害了。在这部一切因水缘起的电影里,那些平凡如**培训课的片段又岂止是有关于水而已。长达数分钟的手持长镜头中即使是一直下降(遑论上升)的水面也无时无刻不传达着强烈的窒息感,历劫重生背后的万千情绪与信念就这样被诉诸感官。日光之子,无惧长夜,然而光影与水坝力不可至之处尚未解除的危险,仍须借铸钟以纪念。
Voiello 2020-03-22
qw0aszx 2018-10-10
片子如同流水一般,随意渗透联结起每个段落,留下对这块与水息息相关地区的一瞥痕迹 7.1分★★★☆