节哀顺变原名:Sorry for Your Loss,
When a new dad (Justin Bartha) has to return home to bury his estranged father, things take a turn for the complicated when the dead man's final wish is to have his ashes scattered on the field of his favorite professional sports team.
Monkey& 2019-10-29
** 2019-02-02
全世界人类****何其多,尿*已经够臭,竟然还愚蠢到把比尿*更脏臭菸、**往嘴里送,堂堂五六尺人类却被寸菸给打败,菸草等同**,可笑全球禁毒不禁菸,可耻超级污秽大白痴………… 希冀菸在世界上销声匿迹!!人蠢冇药医, *菸=孬种=瘾君子=吸**=抽**=不卫生=超污秽=冇教养=没素养=无涵养!!(*****)