罗马的黄金原名:L'oro di Roma,又名罗马之金、Gold of Rome
Rome 1943. The German Commandant of the **** wants fifty kilograms of gold from the Jewish community in two days, and if they don't get it, they want two hundred heads of the Jewish families as hostages instead.This creates a huge panic in the community.
paradiso 2019-06-27
没找到《**驼背人》退而求其次看了这部***群像,虽说不算好坏一边倒但还是挺主旋律味的,唉。小鞋匠布兰是少数放弃与族人站队而作为意大利人上山打游击作为希望所在。Anna-Maria Ferrero(演犹太**)跟让***(****未婚夫,染金发好像比褐发****爱情戏非常的言情偶像剧猛烈秀恩爱,他俩当时刚刚开始交往(美女前男友是Vittorio Gassman!)据说是她说*利扎尼启用***,不久就两人完婚,女方64年急流勇退,倒是白头偕老的
二战电影馆 2020-06-21